Calculadora Texas Instruments TI-59 (con su base de carga e impresora) procedente del Departamento de Geología de la USAL (Mercedes Suarez Barrios)
Una de las primeras calculadoras programables, capaz de almacenar hasta 960 pasos de programas, que mostraba 10 dígitos en el display, pero los cálculos los realizaba internamente con 13 dígitos de precisión.
Fue la primera en emplear módulos intercambiables de programas en memoria ROM . Capacidad de almacenar programas en tarjetas magnéticas.
Se podía conectar a una impresora PC100.
Extraído del folleto:
«TI Programmable 59 Magnetic card programmable calculator with plug in Solid State Software* and magnetic card storage for business, science, engineering.
Up to 960 program steps, or up to 100 memories. When integrated with any of the libraries it delivers up to 5000 program steps.
Master Library module simply plugs in. Includes 25 different programs in key areas: Math. Statistics. Finance. Blank magnetic cards let you write and record custom programs which may be run individually or integrated with programs in the library modules.
- 4 types of display testing with an independent test or «t» register.
- Up to 10 additional test registers: Loop. Increment. Decrement.
- Up to 10 user flags available: Set. Reset. Test.
- 72 useful labels.
- Up to 6 levels of subroutines.
- Flexible addressing: Program Steps: Absolute. Indirect. Label. Data Memories: Direct. Indirect.
- Complete program editing: Insert. Delete. Single step. Back-step. No Operation.
- 10 user defined label keys.
- Up to 9 sets of parentheses for up to 8 pending operations.
- Over 175 functions and operations in sciences and statistics.
- Operates with PC-100C.
- AC adapter/charger included.
- Personal Programming takes you through each function, each operation – step by step. With illustrated examples that will be highly adaptable to work you do: Bond cost. Spherical coordinates. Investments. Quadratic equations.
Componentes fundamentales:
- DSCOM’s Double Scaning Read-Only Memories (TMC0582/0583) (2.5Kx13bits ROM / 8registersx16digits / 32constantsx16digits/display scanningx16digits)
- BROM Bare Read Only Memory (TMC0571) (1Kx13bits)
- Multi-Register Chips (4xTMC0598) (1920bits (30registersx16digits or 240 program steps (8bits))
- CROM Constant Read Only Memory (TMC0541) (5000 program steps)
- Arithmetic Logic Chip (TMC0501) (5registersx16digits)»
Extraído de: : (Joerg Woerner and Sipke de Wal, March 25, 2002)
Del manual de servicio:
Datos de la adquisición:
Modelo: | ![]() |
Tipo: | Calculadora Programable |
Año: | 1977 |
Clave: | ORD.0116.D |
Nº Serie: | 2171644 |
Fecha Adquisición: | 09/23/2022 |
Estado: | Funciona |
Caja/Fuente/Manuales: | NO/Externa/NO |
Extras: | Soporte carga e impresora PC-100A (9113941) |
Propiedad/Origen: | Donado/Maria Mercedes Suarez Barrios (Dpto. Geología) |
Ficha: | ![]() |
Ficha gdrive: | Ficha gdrive |
Ficha: | Ficha |
Galería de imágenes:
TI-59 (PC-100A) (1977)
- TI-59 Manual Usuario:
- TI-59 Folleto:
- TI-59 Service Manual:
- Folleto PC-100C:
- Manual PC-100C:
- Master Library Manual:
- Texas Instruments Manuals:
Entradas Relacionadas:
- Texas Instruments 59:
- Datamath Calculator Museum:
- Programmable Calculators:
- Wikipedia TI-59:
- Vaxman Musseum «The TI-59 Programmable Pocket Calculator»: